The only social network for 55+ in the world
Capture your audience!

Why Vermut?

Vermut users access the app more than once a day. It is easy and intuitive because it has been designed especially for people who were not born with a smartphone in their hands.

We aim to be the largest social network for 55+ in the world, let's grow together!

The Senior segment is very large. It is a generation with time on their hands, looking to socialize and live life to the fullest.

Earn money with what you love!

People cheering

Take the next step with a very professional touch

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Constant growth

Grow your community and expand your frontiers thanks to Vermut's expansion and our continuous advertising.

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Lead and manage your business with Vermut

Control your customers, talk to them and modify your activities yourself. A tool that puts you in control.

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Higher conversion

We innovate every month to create the best social app for 55+ in the world. Both the design and structure of the app create a unique user experience. This translates into higher purchase conversions.

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Quality Support

An efficient team behind your activity, helping you 24/7 and giving you recommendations on those little details that make the difference for people aged 55+.

Lead unique experiences

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Generate new social connections.

Dinners, parties or trips always work. Socializing and enjoying life is the main reason Vermut exists.

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The age of passion!

Encourage new hobbies or expand their comfort zone - what they never had time to do. Share your love of philosophy, painting, languages, history or cooking.

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Helps democratize healthy habits.

Walking, stretching and mindfulness transform the experience of life, at any age.

Frequent questions

How much does it cost to become a Vermut Partner?

The partner is the person who creates activities. You pay a monthly fee for the use of the platform: to advertise your profile and your content, to be able to do your marketing through forums and chat groups, to have control of your reservations and databases, to have an integrated payment gateway to receive the money from your customers in advance, and to have 24/7 support with our customer service team. The fee only applies if you have customers, you only pay if you also win.

How do I receive my money from customers?

Book a briefing, create an account on your own Partner app, upload your content, create your forums, and start connecting with customers and receiving bookings.

Do you have any doubts?

Book an informative session

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